About The Meme

Steve Moramarco, a single 40-something Man-Child, thinks he and his music have finally been discovered after years of obscurity. A few minutes into the film, we discover that it is his parents who are behind it, in an attempt to get him to get his life together - get a job, get married, et. cetera. We follow Steve, his 'friends' and his former girlfriends as they all lurch towards the day that will forever after be known as 'The Great Intervention.'
The film is being billed as a 'Romantic Mockumentary' - a story that flirts dangerously with reality but is ultimately fictional. Actor/Writer/Director Stephen Moramarco (that's me) also furnishes his own music for the project. The film will be edited on Final Cut Pro.
This is an extremely low-budget movie, designed to make Paranormal Activity look like "The Phantom Menace." I am shooting some of it on the new Kodak Zi8 - an amazing HD camera that retails for less than $200.
There was no script for this film, per se, just a detailed outline. All scenes were improvised, with guided direction by myself, which has been edited out of the final product.
I'm calling this an Indie "Meme" instead of a film, because there is so much more to it. Each of the main characters has their own website or podcast that helps fill out the "world" of this movie.

Would you like more involvement in The Great Intervention? Consider becoming a Gold Member - These lucky people will get to view rough cuts and more as the journey unfolds. Please visit The Great Donation page for more info!